The Earth Sings 
A (((HearingVoices))) Radio Special
Sounds for and from Mother Earth
Hosted by Dmae Roberts of Stories1st.org (
• An audio trek through Nepal's Annapurna Circuit.
• Maori music and culture.
• Pulse of the Planet- extraordinary sounds.
• Android Sisters, Opera over insects, Conversing chimps, and more...

The Earth Sings- Part 1a (18:30)
Cosmic Background Radiation from Pulse of the Planet CD: "Extraordinary Sounds From the Natural World"; and an excerpted audio portrait the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal's Himalayan Mountains by Quiet American (Aaron & Bronwyn Ximm).
The editors of American Heritage magazine wrote of the first Earth Day t: "April 22, 1970, Earth Day was held, one of the most remarkable happenings in the history of democracy," wrote. "Twenty million people demonstrated their support. American politics and public policy would never be the same again." U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day "announced that in the spring of 1970 there would be a nationwide grassroots demonstration on behalf of the environment and invited everyone to participate. The response was electric. It took off like gangbusters. Telegrams, letters, and telephone inquiries poured in from all across the country. The American people finally had a forum to express its concern about what was happening to the land, rivers, lakes, and air -- and they did so with spectacular exuberance."
The Earth Sings- Part 1b(11:30)
Lava Flow and River Drumming from Pulse of the Planet, Jim Metzner, producer; and New Zealand Maori culture and country by Dmae Roberts of Stories1st.org.
The thirty-third annual Earth Day is Thursday, April 22, 2002. "The Earth Sings" is a sixty-minute HearingVoices.com radio special of sounds for and from Mother Earth. With ears wide open we trek through Nepal, New Zealand, and North America. We hear stories and music by Earthsongs, Jay Allison, Pulse of the Planet, Equinox Chamber Players and Philip Kent Bimstein), Quiet American, Jeff Rice, and Stories 1st.
The Earth Sings- Part 2a(14:30)
Leafhoppers and Elephants from Pulse of the Planet; portraits of Alaskan singers/dancers Pamyua and of Sioux soprano opera Bonnie Jo Hunt singing with Robbie Robertson and crickets, produced by Gregg McVicar of EarthSongs.net; Ant sounds from Dr. Hayword Spangler of Tuscon's Carl Hayden Bee Research Center, recorded by Jeff Rice; and "Hide And Seek" with animal trainer Ken Decroo and Dar the Chimp. music by Woodstock Percussion, part of Jay Allison's Animals & Other Stories.
HearingVoices.com specials are crafted from new and classic radio shows. Fundors include the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and National Endowment for the Arts. HearingVoices.com is a project of Tundra Club, a non-profit corporation that supports independent production for public broadcasting, film and web.
The Earth Sings- Part 2b(12:30)
Gibbons and Music of the Spheres from Pulse of the Planet; "Telephone in the Tropics" from the Android Sisters Greatest Hits, produced by Tom Lopez of ZBS; and excerpt from "Half Moon at Checkerboard Mesa: Fantasy for Horn, Frogs, Crickets and Coyotes" (also the sounds of rocks, rivers, and thunder), performed by the Equinox Chamber Players, composed by Phillip Kent Bimstein.
The official date of Earth Day every year is 22 April. Earth Day events are often planned for the weekends around 22 April. In 2004, Earth Day is a Thursday. Some communities and groups schedule environmental activities during the entire Earth Week (the week before Earth Day) or Earth Month (April).
Mercury, Venus, Earth & Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Images courtesy of NASA Image eXchange
Earth Day Network www.earthday.net
Wilderness Society- Earth Day earthday.wilderness.org/
U.S. EPA Earth Day www.epa.gov/earthday/
Dmae Roberts- Stories 1st
Jim Metzner- Pulse of the Planet
Pulse of the Planet CD- Extraordinary Sounds From the Natural World
Aaron Ximm- Quiet American
Tom Lopez- ZBS
Jay Allison- Animals & Other Stories
Jeff Rice- Western Soundscape
Gregg McVicar- Earthsongs
Philip Kent Bimstien- Works
Equinox Chamber Players- Recordings
This special was mixed by Robin Wise of Sound Imagery. Executive Producer is Barrett Golding. (((HearingVoices))) specials are crafted from new and classic radio shows. Funders include the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and National Endowment for the Arts. These specials are Free to all public stations (via Creative PR).
Animations from Creative Time- Day Without Art: Web Action.
Top to bottom: Ben Benjamin (Superbad)/Chisato Uyeki,
Guthrie Dolin, Yoshi Sodeoka, Friederike Paetzold.
Audio: © the producers & (((HearingVoices))).