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Stories / Scott Carrier

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Sun over desert

Heat {format} 59:00 Scott Carrier, Jeff Rice, John Rieger, Marjorie Van Halteren & [Hearing Voices]

Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer in this (((Hearing Voices))) special. Hosted by Scott Carrier, featuring: "Dead of Summer" by Marjorie van Halteren & Lou Giansante- A sound-poem of summer in the city and longing for "a ten-cent breeze." "Summer Notes" by Joe Frank- The perfection of family, a crippled man on a blind man's back, and a collective scream: "I'm not dead." "Heat" by Jeff Rice- Tuscon residents on desert heat, including author Charles Bowden, poet Ofelia Zepeda, and composer Steve Roach (who wrote the music). "The Little Heroes" by John Rieger- Covering piano-pulling cats in the summer sun -- the fate of the non-network newsman. "Highway 50" by Scott Carrier- A very hot and very long drive down a lonely stretch of pavement. More audio, info and links...

Broadcast: Jun 1 2003 on HV SpecialSeries: Hearing Voices- Specials Subjects: Specials, Travel, Comedy

Pickup on dirt road, photo by Scott Carrier

Backroads {format} 59:00 Jay Allison, Scott Carrier, Kitchen Sisters, John Rieger & [Hearing Voices]

Five traveling stories from public radio's past in this (((Hearing Voices))) special. Hosted by the producers, featuring: "Fifty Miles Out of Gerlach" by John Rieger- Small-town society. "Navajo Pentacostalists" by Scott Carrier- Holy ghosts, hitchhikers and stratocasters. "Road Ranger" The Kitchen Sisters- a highway hero fixes strangers' cars. "Cross My Path" by Jay Allison- Leo Grillo cares for animals, thousands of them. "Trip to the Dentist" by Larry Massett- A nitrous-feuled excursion thru a history of bad dental health. More audio, info and links...

Broadcast: Apr 1 2003 on HV SpecialSeries: Hearing Voices- Specials Subjects: Religious, Health, Specials, Travel

Statue of soldier at Gettysbrug battlefield

State of Union {format} 59:00 Jay Allison, Scott Carrier & [Hearing Voices]

For the U.S. Presidential State of the Union speech. Hosted by Jay Allison of, featuring: "State of the Union" by Scott Carrier- A cross-county drive asking people: What is the state of our union? "Last Night in New York" by Wednesday Kennedy- wandering the streets of NYC in the wake of 9/11. "Song of Marconi" by Dennis Downey- an imagistic essay on the founder of radio and the reveberations from his transmissions that still reflect today. "Amber" by Christopher Lydon- insights to a call-in talk show from an undocumented American. More audio, info and links...

Broadcast: Jan 20 2003 on HV SpecialSeries: Hearing Voices- Specials Subjects: Public Affairs, Specials, Politics

Motorcycle and truck in rear-view mirror

Vox Pop {format} {format} 22:00 Scott Carrier

"In America we used to say, ‘I may not believe what you believe, but I will die defending your right to express it.’ We could boil the idea of our country down to that one sentence, and it was a beautiful thing. I haven’t heard that sentence in a long time, and I’m wondering if it was ever true. I’m packing up, getting ready to drive across the country interviewing people about the state of the union."

Broadcast: Jan 8 2003 on Pacifica Peacewatch; Dec 15 2002 on APM Subjects: International, Public Affairs, Politics, War

Afghan men crowding around camera

From Afghanistan {format} Scott Carrier

URL linkFROM AFGHANISTAN– A photo-audio-essay; with sounds and images of the streets, songs and prayers of the Afghan people. Adapted from Carrier's Harper's- April 2002 magazine article. WARNING: Contains photos of the dead.

Broadcast: Dec 15 2002 on HV Webwork Subjects: International, War, Religious

Telgram from NPR

New Shoes {format} 10:43 Scott Carrier

Hitchhiking cross-country with a telegram for the Dalai Llama, a prayer for compassion from the cops, and half your net worth invested in a pair of high-top sneakers. [transcript]

Broadcast: Jun 1 2002 on PRI/MPR Savvy Traveler Subjects: Travel, Religious

Full Earth from Space, photo from NASA

An Hour of Earth {format} 59:00 Jay Allison, Scott Carrier, Andrei Codrescu, Barrett Golding, Tom Lopez, Sarah Vowell & [Hearing Voices]

An Earth Day special. Hosted by Barrett Golding, featuring: "Underground Lunchroom" by Sarah Vowell- A congressional controversy over a cave cafeteria. "Green River Stories" by Scott Carrier- floating a Rocky Mountain river. "Singing Frogs" by Tom Lopez of ZBS- a true tale of toads... or are they frogs? "Subtext: Communicating with Horses" and "Killer Whales" by Jay Allison- from his series Animals & Other Storeis. "The Environment" by Andrei Codrescu- from cowfields to fast rood in under a minute. "Blackfish" by Barrett Golding- Dr. John Ford of the Vancouver Aquariium, with music by Jeff Arntsen of Racket Ship. More audio, info and links...

Broadcast: Apr 20 2002 on HV SpecialSeries: Hearing Voices- Specials Subjects: Travel, Science, Environment, Specials

Three Flags by Jasper Johns

Ready for War? {format} 21:45 Scott Carrier

"Are you ready to go to war?" Answers by a Wyoming soccer mom, Vietnam vet Green Beret, Lakota warrior, Omish teen, and others met on a trek across America.

Broadcast: Sep 1 2001 on PRI/WBEZ This American Life Subjects: Public Affairs, International, Politics, War

Sacramento Interstate 50 sign- 3073 miles to Ocean City MD

3k on US50 {format} 24:25 Scott Carrier

A cross-country mid-summer drive, in a failing un-air-conditioned truck, on Interstate 50: the loneliest Road in America.

Broadcast: Aug 1 2001 on PRI/WBEZ This American Life Subjects: Travel

Green River and cliffs

Green River {format} Scott Carrier

URL linkGREEN RIVER STORIES– Canoeing the Green thru Wyoming, Utah and Colorado: phtos and tales from the people on the river.

Broadcast: Jan 1 2001 on HV Webwork Subjects: Travel, Environment

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